
Debris and Rock Dump Removal

In instances where subsea infrastructure cannot be removed, protection is often provided by rock dump. This stabilises the infrastructure and minimises snagging by vessels operating in the vicinity. Rock dump is also used as a means of stabilising rigs and jack up barges used during decommissioning operations.

Marine Debris is often categorised into one of four categories; flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict, which may require recovery after the occurrence of a shipwreck or other maritime casualty.

The UTROV® Solution

Tine Grab  – Suitable for Debris Removal

Clamshell Grab  – Suitable for Rock Dump Removal


Industries we can assist

  • Offshore Oil and Gas
  • Interconnector
  • Offshore Decommissioning


We are proud of our track record and operational statistics and would be happy to provide these numbers to any potential clients upon request.

Debris & Rock Dump Removal/Recovery Projects