
Neart na Gaoithe

  • SECTOR: Offshore Renewables, Salvage & Cargo Recovery

Project Overview

Project Info

  • Date 12/02/19 – 16/02/19
  • Site Neart na Gaoithe
  • Vessel EDT Kennedy
  • Operations Product Cutting, Salvage and Cargo Recovery, Survey, Video and Inspection
  • UTROV® Tooling Used Tine Grab, Clamshell Grab, Pipe Grab, Shear Grab

Utility ROV Services were contracted by G-Tec S.A. to recover several segments of drill string left on the seabed following geotechnical drilling operations on the Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) Site Investigation project. The scope of work was the cut and recovery of approximately 100m of 67mm – 180mm diameter steel pipe followed by as-left surveys.

Operations were conducted from the DP2 vessel, EDT Kennedy, which consisted of cutting pipe sections (of up to 45m in length) into shorter 5m lengths suitable for recovery to the vessel deck. This was achieved by first cutting the pipe lengths using the shear grab and subsequently recovering these using the pipe grab.

Utility ROV Services’ knuckle-boom deck crane was used to remove the recovered sections from the LARS and relocate these to a storage location on deck. As-left Gemini sonar and visual camera surveys were performed using the UTROV® to confirm that all sections had been recovered and the seabed left clear.